Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Salam Ramadhan-al-Mubarak

Wishing all brothers and sisters in Islam a blessed Ramadhan-al-Mubarak.

Just remember not to eat too much and/or too fast when you break your fast!
Because that can only harm your digestive system which has gone into a period of hibernation.
Eat gently and reasonably.

Monday, 1 August 2011


So we went...

To the southernmost tip of the Indian Peninsula. The place is called Kanyakumari, sometimes referred to as Cape Comorin. Geographically, it is the end of the Indian mainland, where the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean meet. Kanyakumari is also the best place to see the sunset and sunrise, depending on the weather, of course.

Sunrise at Kanyakumari

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Blog: Restart

I haven't been blogging for a very very long time. Since my previous blogsite had been hacked by someone (I think I know who) about 3 years ago. I did file a police report at the Police Station (Cyber Crime Unit) near my place in Mumbai, India (I no longer live there) and we managed to capture a few details of who did it. The details are still with me and the police and we are just waiting for the right time to make the next move.
After doing a lot of thinking plus it seems to me that the situation is under control now, I think I am gonna start writing again. So, here goes...